
Code Red Quick Tip–Dressings


Testimony from Mary Hibler

Testimony from Mary Hibler:

Adjusting to eating no grains, dairy and sugar was hard at first and then within the second week it became easier and less tempting. I eat eggs and bacon every morning and love it. I knew when Cristy said you can eat bacon that this was a plan that would work for me! Cristy was there for me every day, commenting on my food logs and telling me how to eat better. Cristy is a very motivating individual and it makes you want to succeed at this! Within the first week I could already tell a difference with how I felt energy wise. I normally get tired mid-morning at work and now I don’t. I was shocked how quickly the weight slid off with just changing my eating habits. I’ve always been health conscious person but always struggled with my food. My digestion tract is on point and I feel great every day. This program is a definite life changer for me and I can’t wait to keep continuing down the path of healthy eating. This past month was the best and sometimes the hardest days of my life but in the end I learned a lot about myself and what foods work best for my body to be it’s best. Cristy makes the plan according to your body and works with you if things aren’t working. I was nervous to start this thinking that I wasn’t going to make it through and now I am so happy that I did it!IMG_0336


Awkward friend photo 2015

Awkward friend photos 2015


Code Red Quick Tip – Steamers!



Hello everyone! My name is Allison and I was so happy with my results from Cristy’s Code Red that I wanted to share my story.

I have a Hypo-Thyroid and weight loss has been as up and down for me like Katy Perry’s song “Hot and Cold”.  I could lose 10 lbs and then gain 15 and feel like I didn’t change anything. Since I came to college I gained weight (I know how stereotypical can I get)…and I didn’t feel attractive, confident or myself.  I began different work out plans from cleanses, books…challenges and so much more. I am a film and theatre actress as well as model, and if my body isn’t up to par my career suffers.

During this winter break I told my Mom about my struggles and how I felt so insecure in myself and didn’t know what I was doing wrong. Like all mothers she listened and tried to help. She asked some of her Essential Yoga friends how they stay fit and many of them talked about Cristy’s Code Red program. My mom decided that this would be my 21st birthday present. I immediately jumped on board and glad I did. In the beginning I struggled with the completely different mindset on food, but I stayed with it. Cristy texted me everyday! If I asked a question she would text back immediately. She sincerely cares about your success and makes sure you are happy and healthy.

I am glad to say that today is my 21st birthday and I feel sexy and secure again. In exactly a month I went from 20.38% to 16.93% of body-fat along with the fact I lost 3 inches off my waist and 3 inches off my hips! This college girl is eating more then she ever has and keeps losing inches and feels healthy and happy! Did I mention I fit back in my size 4 jeans?



Code Red gets married!

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Dec 2014

Photo on 12-19-14 at 2.21 PM #2In my nutrition office


30 lbs lost so far

62 year old LPC Larry Terherst is 30 lbs down so far on my 30-Day Nutrition Program by Cristy.  No exercise.

62 year old LPC Larry Terherst is 30 lbs down so far on my 30-Day Nutrition Program by Cristy. No exercise.




Awesome testimonial from Trish Grohs!

You wouldn’t think I would ever post anything like this BUT here I go! Yes I am small, yes I’m short and no I am not heavy. But I have battled weight gain and weight loss my entire life. My eating sucks and 30 days ago I decided to hire a professional nutritionist to help get me on track so that I can be healthy and around for many years with my little Blakester.

30 days lessons with Cristy CodeRed:

Everything I thought I knew about food and what is right for my body was WRONG, I can eat healthy and feel full all day long and not have to focus on calories, cheating only cheats myself and last but not least, the scale lies! If you are ready to make a change and are looking for a real, 100% of the time available for you, most incredible nutritionist then spend the money and contact Cristy! It was the best money I have ever spent and 30 days has completely changed my life. Still a few pounds and more muscle to go but this girl is the real deal! And if you’re wimpy and can’t take the truth…don’t call her. She doesn’t put up with it.