Archive for April, 2013


day 1: training camp. 59 miles and 8000 feet of climbing


we made it to Los Angeles! 4/28/13


What have we gotten ourselves into???


stop hating your body!


Oblique atomic push up


Women’s Conference, Meridian, Idaho 4/20/13

Women's Conference, Meridian, Idaho 4/20/13

I spoke at a women’s conference today…but it was the first time I’ve ever had my name butchered this bad!


Haters be hatin’

About a month ago, my sister Cari got an anonymous email from a woman.  The email was nasty, rude and awful and said some horrible and untrue things about my sis.  She called me in tears and told me about it.  She knew the words were lies but they still hurt.  Cari couldn’t seem to shake the words from the email.  Cari is beautiful, smart and funny with a terrific job and 3 great kids.  This girl was a jealous coward.  She took out her insecurities on my sister for no reason.  She was a “hater.”


If you’re wondering what a “hater” is, you’ve probably been living under a rock.  Haters are insecure, mean spirited people who hate you for your success instead of being happy for you.  Comedian Kat Williams does a hilarious bit on haters.  He states, “If you’ve got haters, you’re doing something right.”  This doesn’t mean you just go through life pissing people off, but you go through life not afraid of living out loud.  Haters will be hatin’ on you because you’re prettier than them, make more money, sing better, drive a better car, have a better body, better kids—FOR ANY REASON!


The funny thing about haters is they won’t ignore you.  You’d think that if someone disliked you so much they would leave you alone and not want to even look at your name.  NO WAY!  Not the case.  Haters will follow you on line, follow your YouTube channel just to make nasty comments, read every blog, watch every one of your videos and look for any chance to pounce on you.  Haters are your biggest fans!  I have a lady who hates me beyond imagination but guess who checks my website every day, my fitness page, follows my blogs, looks at my photos?  Yep.  She’ll even spread around my website to her friends telling people how bad she hates me.  Guess what happens?  My stats go up and I get more followers.  HA!  My disgruntled boxing manager from New York has hated me since 2007 and has tried to harass me for years.  He follows me closely to see what I will do next.  Folks, you can’t buy that kind of loyalty!


I know you’re thinking:  “Doesn’t it bother you to have people hate you? What are you doing, Cristy, to make some people so mad?”  If I post something and get a huge negative feedback and the majority of people dislike it, I will generally take it down.  But that rarely happens.  I have more fans than haters and overall I influence people’s lives for the good.  I know my content, my intentions and my heart are all good and I mean well.  I can’t please everyone so someone out there is not gonna like me, my hair, my clothes, my videos, my lifestyle, my hobbies, etc…


So I said to my sister on the phone that day, “Sis, she’s just a hater.  She’s jealous and insecure and she hates you because you’re wonderful.  You’re everything she wishes she could be.  Blow it off.  Delete the email and don’t give it another thought.”  


Bottom line is no matter what you do, no matter how you live, you will have someone out there who hates you and there’s nothing you can do about it.  It’s their problem, not yours.  Stay true to yourself because haters will always be hatin’.

(photo shoot in Costa Rica)
