Archive for January, 2008


Code Red to be on radio show

Tune in on February 6th at 7:15PM to “Talkin’ Boxing” broadcast on where Cristy “Code Red” Nickel will be a guest. Boxing writer, historian and promoter Bill Calogero has asked Cristy to join him for the live broadcast program. For more details, visit Special thanks to my manager, David Selwyn, for the PR. 


January Nutrition Tip–Like you’ve never seen

Hey Everyone, Yes, I realize that it’s the third week in January and I’m just now posting the “Tip of the Month.”  But that’s not because I procrastinated.  It’s because I wanted to blog something clever; something that you wouldn’t see in all the magazines, MSN homepage, or infomercials on “how to get thin in 2008.”  I want you to start your year off right and I truly want you to get healthy no matter what time of the year it is.  2008 is the “year of new beginnings,” as I’m sure you’ve already heard.  And what better way to start than taking my advice.  Trust me:  You’ve never read a tip like this one in VOGUE.  As most of you know, I’m Vegan.  I’m also a Christian and I attend church at the New York City Church in Times Square.  It’s the best part of my week.  I’m Vegan not for spiritual reasons, but for health reasons.  In case you don’t know, Vegans don’t eat any animal products whatsoever.  We eat fruits, veggies, legumes, grains and nuts.  I personally believe everyone should eat this way.  It’s clean, pure and I’m not putting anything in my body that is processed, preserved or that has been treated with any steroids or growth hormones.  So I was reading through my Bible the other day and I came across a passage that my Mom told me about.  It hit me like a ton of bricks!  In the first chapter of the book of Daniel, (and I’m paraphrasing it so read it yourself for more details) Daniel was in charge of these few guys.  He asked that for 10 days, they were given only veggies to eat and water, not the royal fatty foods that the king was giving them.  He told the king’s guards that after 10 days, to compare their appearance to that of the young men who ate the king’s royal food (the fatty food).  Sure enough it says in verse 15, “At the end of the 10 days, [Daniel and his men] looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food.”  There you have it folks.  So my challenge to you is 2 things:  First really try and cut back on anything that isn’t pure, wholesome and unprocessed for your body.  Perhaps turning Vegan is too extreme for you.  That’s ok.  But at least treat your body with kindness, respect and give it every chance to perform at it’s best.  And my second challenge is:  Find a church you like and go.  Church is fun and it’s not like it takes up your whole day.  It’s like 1 hour on Sunday morning to be somewhere positive, joyful, peaceful and calming.  Believe me, you’ll love it.  Take care, ya’ll.  –Cristy