Archive for October, 2008


It’s moving time


It’s not on my food list…

I had the pleasure of spending last evening with my nutritionist, Anna (of whom I’ve mentioned ample times throughout my blogs over the past year).  Anna has turned into a very good friend of mine since I completed my 6-month program with her.  She’s moving back to Alaska and I will miss her dearly.

We see eye-to-eye on everything (except politics) and we got to talking about how we deal with the pressures of eating junk food.  We both agree that the government and the media is responsible for our obese, diseased society.  

Think about it: Picture the store front of, let’s say, Dunkin Donuts or McDonalds.  The way they look makes people think that we need their food.  Big, flashy signs, bright cheerful colors, happy faces, smiles, fresh looking food makes us think, “Yes, I do need to eat this.”  But in reality, none of that food needs to be a part of our food source. None of that food needs to ever enter our bodies.  It’s not on our food list.

It’s like window shopping.  We window shop all the time and know that we can’t buy half the crap we see.  But it’s fun to window shop.  We envision ourselves in those clothes but the thought doesn’t even cross our minds to buy it.  We know what’s in our bank account and we know we can’t afford it.  So we accept it and enjoy the view from the sidewalk.  It is what it is.  End of story.  So why can’t we do the same thing with food? Why can’t we tell ourselves that it’s not in our calorie “budget” to consume that item?

Reality is, you can tell yourself that.  Get it through your thick skull that it’s just NOT-ON-YOUR-FOOD-LIST.  Even if your friends are all getting icecream after dinner doesn’t mean you absolutely MUST have some for heaven’s sake.  Know ahead of time what your food list is so that you don’t get ambushed.  Then sit back and relax in your skinny jeans.  Sooooo worth it…