Archive for August 7th, 2008


code red challenge: day 6


  • 7AM:  Oatmeal at home
  • 10AM: banana
  • Noon: Veggie wrap and water
  • 3PM:   Apple
  • 5PM:   Steamed mixed veggies and steamed spinach
  • 8PM:  4 mile run
Woke up to heavy rain, so no morning run.  
Just as I suspected, the scale hasn’t budged.  Not one bit.  So it’s time for a new plan. Starting in the morning, I will only have fruits, vegetables, protein shakes and water. No more oatmeal and absolutely no coffee.  Not that I think coffee is all that bad, but when you’re trying to reach a goal, you must be willing to sacrifice and coffee is a luxury. I certainly know that oatmeal is one of the best things to put in my body but I’ve been eating the same oatmeal for breakfast for years.  Need to change it up.  Also, I will begin sprinting at night instead of my long distance run at night.  Sprinting is a great way to shake things up and rev up your workouts.  Chances are my body is used to the same pace every morning and every night so I must shock my body so it will respond.  I also discovered that I’m not drinking enough water.  Without the boxing workouts, I haven’t drank as much and that is contributing to all kinds of problems.  Remember:  You body sends the same signals when it’s thirsty as when it’s hungry so be aware that hunger pains may just mean “give me some water!”