Posts Tagged ‘boise personal trainer


Testimonial for my 30-Day Nutrition Program

Testimonial for Cristy

My energy level has been through the roof these last couple of weeks!!!! I feel younger and more alive than I have in many, many years! Diagnosed with Hashimoto’s several years ago, I was experiencing all of the lovely side effects that go with it: NO energy, always tired, gained weight, foggy brain and emotional. Needless to say, I have been on a journey to get my fitness and health back to its most OPTIMAL state since! Well, the low fat diet wasn’t working for me (even though that’s what everyone said would help lose fat), I have to eat GF and limit dairy to reduce inflammation (due to auto-immune disease) routinely exercising and I STILL wasn’t losing fat!!! Then……I accidentally heard about Cristy’s 30 day weight loss plan on FaceBook and Internet. I scheduled my free consultation with her and FELT her conviction that her Diet plan would absolutely work for me. And guess what??? Cristy was right! Eating fat does not make you fat! This had been the biggest paradigm shift for me to embrace, but I’m all in now! MY Weight and Fat levels are WAY down and I’m not even finished yet. I will always incorporate this type of eating style in my life. Thank you so much Cristy for your help and encouragement along the way. When you have great health and feel fantastic, you are empowered and life’s possibilities are limitless! Needless to say, I am one happy (ecstatic) gal 🙂


Cathy Peterson
